domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

My experience writing blogs

Hi again, I have a news for you, this will be the last time we will greet, as, this will be my last blog.

This time I will tell you how my experience was writing blogs

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This was the first time I wrote blogs, or something like one.

I felt that I was not very good at writing and that I would not know how to expand and in a good way but with the first blog I was realizing that it was not so difficult and that it can even be fun.

It was also complicated since not all the time I knew what to talk about, since the topics were not very amused.

Anyway, I think it's an excellent way to practice writing in English.

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Although my biggest problem is grammar and a bit of vocabulary since my memory is not very good and I forget the meaning or the order of the words.

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I need even more practice, so that in a longer time I do not need a dictionary or a translator, or at least I do not need it all the time.

I hope this helps me so that in the future I can write more easily the necessary papers in the area of ​​chemistry and investigations

I would very much like to write about the investigations that I will carry out or the discoveries I will make in my area.

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I could also write only for a hobby on different topics, who knows.

In the end, it was a great experience, I learned a lot and it was very entertaining to read the experiences of my classmates.

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viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

When I learn archery

Hi again, this week I will tell you about the time I learned archery.

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This was a semester ago, when I realized that I needed to take a general training course (cgf), Check the list of courses but none caught my attention, until I saw in the list, archery.

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At first, I thought it would be an easy course, but when I started to go I realized that it was more difficult than I thought.

The first month we did just one hour of warm-up and nothing else, and I realized that it was a difficult warm-up, I was really exhausted.

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Already in the second month we started using bows, we made an hour of warm up and then, another hour, we practiced with the bows.

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I remember that the bowstring hit me in the forearm, because I did not stretch my arm when I launched the arrow and I had very large and painful bruises.

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At the end of the course they took us a practical test, in which they evaluated me very well.

It was a very pleasant experience, although it was not easy, since this course was held in O'Higgins Park and I only had 30 minutes to get from the university to the back of the park. With a friend we ran a lot to get to the time.

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Although it was a course that had no relation to my career, it was very rewarding to be able to carry out this sport in a good way and to meet people from my faculty who until that moment had never seen.

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viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

A subjet I enjoy

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Hello again bloggers, this week I will talk about a subject I enjoy. This subject is general chemistry lab.

I had this subject in second semester of last year, it’s basically about carrying out laboratory processes and what I most enjoyed about this subject was that it was developed in pairs.

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In this subject we did many physical and chemical processes, for example crystal formation, titrations, oxidations and reductions, among others. 

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This was the first laboratory subject in whom we performed real chemical processes and it was very colorful, every practice we did had substances with very strong colors. For the first time we were able to see the processes that we studied theoretically.

As I said earlier, this lab was in pairs, so me and my partner talked with the other couples who worked near us.

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I remember that I studied a lot for the controls we had and sometimes did not have good grades, but that ever changed how well we had it in the lab. 

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I also remember that my apron finished very dirty, since sometimes I was not very careful with the materials that we should use.

I hope that later I can be an assistant in that subject, so that other students have such a good time and understand in a good way how I did.

viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Someone I admire in my field

Hello again bloggers, this week I will show you someone I admire in my field, she is… Marie Curie.

Marie Salomea Skłodowska Curie was the most important scientist in history, it was a Polish chemistry and physics of enormous influence in the sciences.

She devoted her whole life to radioactivity. He discovered two chemicals and was the first person to win two Novel prizes.

I feel a deep admiration towards her for his perseverance and passion for science.

I don't know if you know her story, but she was born in a country where it could not study for the simple fact of being a woman, he had to study clandestinely and then moved to France, where he could study at the University.

He finished his studies, obtained a doctorate, earned two Nobel, physics and chemistry Prize, and became the first woman in university teaching.

And finally, he died of an illness generated by the work he was doing.

In my opinion, is an example to follow.

He did not stop when he was denied the opportunity to study and he fought for what he wanted, transcending all the limits that society placed on her.

Achieving things that no woman had achieved so far, and she died for the work he did all his life.

In addition, thanks to her, we have knowledge of polonium and Radium.

Personally, I would like to get to feel the passion she felt for her work, and achieve goals just as she did.

sábado, 21 de julio de 2018

What do you prefer, the Truth or Feeling good

Hi again, so much time without read us, this week I have a question for you, what do you prefer... the truth or feeling good?

In our society is too much common say thing only for avoid that people feeling bad, even if that means not telling the truth.

In my case I always prefer the truth, although not all the time I feeling good with that. I prefer someone in my life that is honest that someone who only says compliments to make you feel good. besides, not always the truth has to make you feel bad, sometimes the truth also makes you feel good.

Normally people prefer to feeling good instead of being told the truth, because the truth isn't usually to be nice.

But it is time we accept that we are not perfect people, that we are wrong, and that if someone tells us we have to accept it, not feel bad or offended as it is part of what we are by accepting our mistakes and those of the rest, we would never bother to accept the truth quietly.

In my opinion, we always have to tell the truth, so we'll feel good about ourselves and the rest, although this thought is still a decision of each one.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018


Hi everyone, again, this week I will talk about a post graduate that I would like to do once my career ends.

I thought about doing a graduate, but I still do not know in what area.


I feel that it is necessary to continue specializing after finishing a career, obviously in an area that we like and that serves us for what we want to do for the rest of our lives.

As I said before, I still have not thought about what area I would like to do my post degree, but probably for the cosmetic or toxicological area, which are the areas that cause curiosity.

Although perhaps when I take those courses and continue to advance in my career, this could change or be maintained, there's still time for that.

Probably when I do it has to be online, but I would like it to be face to face, in this way the interaction with the teacher and the companions would be better and more helpful.

Also, when I have the opportunity to do it, I would like it to be in another country where you have the right tools, instruments and specialists.

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018


Hello again! This week I will tell you about my dream job.

My dream job it has always been to be a marine biologist. 

Since I was younger I always liked the sea and everything that has to do with it, probably by watching many movies like, for example, the little mermaid.

I always see reports of marine biologists doing their work in different parts of the world helping animals or studying their ecosystem. Whatever, they always do to help the marine ecosystem.

This work is mostly outdoors but it has a part of research and creation of projects.

This work also gives the opportunity to travel to different places in the world, obviously, places with beaches, lakes, rivers or aquariums where these ecosystems can be found.

One of the things that I really like about this job is that, as I said before, it does not keep you locked in an office every day of the week, since I do not like to be sitting reading or writing for a long time, I get bored easily.

When it came time to choose a career, it was always in my mind and I was determined to study it but there was a big little problem.

To study properly, it's necessary to be in a university near the sea. Here in Santiago there are several universities that teach this career, but the study will not be of the same quality as in universities in regions with sea.

To be able to study it as it should have traveled to a region such as Coquimbo, Antofagasta, Valparaíso, among others.
My parents said I was too young to travel to another region, so I opted for my second option that I could study quietly here.